Factors Influencing the Implementation of Free Secondary Education in Mumias District, Kenya
Mate Julius Khamati, Wesonga Justus Nyongesa
Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications, 1(1), pp. 34-47.

This study sought to find out the factors that influence the implementation of free secondary education (FSE) in Kenya. Implementation refers to a situation where the programme is made to work and meets its major objectives of increasing enrolment and retention in secondary schools. The background of this study traces the efforts to provide free secondary education. The provision of free secondary education is very important in Kenya given that the country is a low income one. Also given the limited studies on the programme currently, this study sought to reduce that gap. The purpose of this study was to find out factors influencing the implementation of free secondary education in Kenya. The study had five objectives derived from the said purpose. The objectives include finding the influence of the management capacity of principals and B.O.Gs, time when the funds are received, parental support and socioeconomic factors on the implementation of free secondary education in Kenya. The study was carried out in Mumias district of Western province. The study is based on the theory of constraints as the researcher examines the factors constraining the achievement of FSE objectives. It is hoped the results of the study will be useful to many stakeholders and help in the streamlining of free secondary education. The researcher experienced problems such as limited finances and time for carrying out the study more thoroughly. Literature review was done on the implementation of free secondary education around the world. The study used the survey design and data collection was by use of the questionnaire method. The questionnaire was validated through piloting. Schools were put into clusters from which a sample was collected using simple random sampling. Data from the field was analyzed using fundamental statistical measures such as location and dispersion. The findings of the study show that the management capacity of the principals, time of funds disbursement to schools and parental support have a negative influence on the implementation of FSE. The B.O.Gs have a positive influence while socioeconomic factors have both negative and positive influence.. Some of the conclusions are that the government needs to speed up sending of money to the schools and probably increase the funding. The study recommends among others that the principals be subjected to compulsory training in management and that the ministry should increase the frequency of school inspection.

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Monica Matavire is a University Lecturer in Zimbabwe at Bindura University of Science Education. She holds a bachelor of Education in History from Solusi University which she attained in 2001. She further sturdied a Master of Curriculum and Arts majoring in History from the University of Zimbabwe in 2007. She has written avidly on curriculum and Education issues. In 2010 she presented a paper at an International conference held in Zimbabwe . The paper looked at Zimbabwe's traditional jurisprudence and conflict transformation. In 2012, she was also invited to present a paper at an International conference that was held in Nairobi- Kenya in June 2012. These papers have been published. Her area of research interests include education and social issues emanating from conflicts. Currently she is finalising her PHD proposal in Conflict Studies.

Wesonga Justus Nyongesa
Maasai University