Human Trafficking in Greece: Revisitingits Management Policies through the Implementation of Project-Oriented Organizational Structures
Efthimia Patta, Dr. Stefanos Koffas, Dr. Ioannis Papadimopoulos, Dr. Labros Sdrolias, Ph.D Candidate Dimitrios Belias

The conception of the main subject of the research lies in the authors’ interest in human trafficking as a social issue. The paper presents the theoretical context based on a review of the literature along with research results on existinginformation regarding the phenomenon of trafficking in Greece. Conclusions are drawn by reviewingthe policies that deal with trafficking; at the same timethe practices implemented in Greece in order to address it are analyzed by concentrating and focusingprimarily on the implementation of project-orientedorganizational structures and strategic processes, as imperative choices-prerequisites in addressing this major social problem.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jsspi.v3n2a5