Streaming Practices and Implications in the Education System: A Survey of Mazowe District, Zimbabwe
Monica Matavire, Vongai Mpofu, Alois Maveneka
Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications, 1(1), pp. 48-59.

This is a cross sectional survey of the possible effects of streaming pupils according to ability on pupils’ behaviour, resource allocation and institutional relationships in Mazowe District secondary schools in Zimbabwe. Six secondary schools out of fourteen in Mazowe District of Mashonaland Central, in Zimbabwe were purposively selected for the study. Data was gathered from a random sample of 1794 pupils through questionnaires. Overally the study revealed a wide streaming intention and practice gap of which pupils of high ability mostly benefit from ability streaming while pupils of low ability are negatively affected. The negative effects include segregation of the slow learners from the fast learner, institutionally defining the future of the pupil negatively; it promotes discrimination tendencies and increases the likelihood of delinquent behavior as well as an imbalance in resource allocation. The study also revealed that streaming of pupils usually results in the hierachisation of subjects in their order of perceived difficulty and importance. The low ability classes were mostly allocated fewer subjects that are perceived to be less challenging and with low market value. In light of these findings, the study, therefore, recommends that mixed ability be practiced in place of streaming according to ability.

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Matavire, Monica., Mpofu, Vongai. & Maveneka, Alois. (2013). Streaming Practices and Implications in the Education System: A Survey of Mazowe District, Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications, 1(1), pp. 48-59.

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Monica Matavire
Bindura University of Science Education
Department of social sciences
P. Bag 1020,
Bindura, Zimbabwe.

Vongai Mpofu
Bindura University of Science Education
P. Bag 1020

Alois Maveneka
University of Zimbabwe
Department of Curriculum and Arts
P.O. Box MP167
Mt. Pleasant