A Study of Factors Effecting Academic Achievement of Prospective Teachers
Dr. Abida Nasreen, Anjum Naz
Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications, 1(1), pp. 23-31.

Abstract The paper tried to clarify factors influencing academic achievement of prospective teachers studying in different teacher education programs. The government has focused on the improvement in the quality of education especially after the quantitative expansion of enrolment rates at all levels of education. As one of criteria of the quality of education, prospective teachers’ academic achievement was investigated inthe paper, because academic achievement is most often cited as a institutional effectiveness indicator byadministrators, teachers, students and their parents (Gaziel, 1996). The study was carried out on a sample of 200 students of 9 departments of Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Pakistan. The sample was randomly selected and 22 students of 4th semester from each department were taken. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of students was also taken. Information was collected through questionnaire. The result of the research study showed that parental involvement, teacher teaching style, socioeconomic status, peer pressure, and motivationwere effecting student’s achievement.

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Nasreen, Dr. Abida., & Naz, Anjum. (2013). A Study of Factors Effecting Academic Achievement of Prospective Teachers.Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications, 1(1), pp. 23-31.

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Dr. Abida Nasreen is Assistant Professor at Institute of Education&Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan since 2003. She got first class first position in her master’s in Education. She has done her PhD in the area of Educational Management and Administration in 2010. Her dissertation title was “Faculty management in the Public sector Universities of the Punjab”. She has published many articles in national and international journals. She has also worked as a team member in some national projects on Education funded by UNESCO, World Bank, and US government. She has attended many national and international conferences and workshops. She participated in some training programs both in-country and abroad. Currently her job assignments include teaching post graduate level classes and advising students in their theses writing.
Contact Number:0302-4107300
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Anjum Naz
University of Sargodha
Sargodha, Pakistan